The nature and fun of rafting, the taste and secrets of Sagrantino di Montefalco.

From the partnership between A.S. Gaia and the Montefalco Wine web portal, the proposal is born: RAFTING & WINE to discover Umbria.
We offer you a look at Umbria through two points of excellence:
the exuberant nature of the Valnerina and the wine of the renowned Montefalco farms.

You can enjoy the first thanks to an unusual point of view: on board a dinghy, on the clear waters of the Corno river, which has carved out the steep canyon of the beautiful Biselli Gorges, choosing – suddenly – to dive from a spur of rock and drinking from the spring. Rafting – as we understand it – as well as being a fun group sport for friends and families, gives us glimpses of lush and animated nature that we cherish with pride.

You can taste the wine directly in the production cellars, served and told by those who take care of all the phases every day, from the vineyard to the cellar.
Montefalco and the municipalities of Bevagna, Castel Ritaldi, Gualdo Cattaneo and Giano dell’Umbria constitute the production area of Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG, an ancient and native vine, with powerful and persistent tannins, which in recent years has been gaining great notoriety in Italy and abroad and which will conquer you too.