Educational excursions in the Sibillini Mountains

Welcome to our page dedicated to School Trips, an extraordinary opportunity for primary and secondary schools to immerse themselves in environmental education in the heart of the Umbria-Marche Apennines, with particular attention to the evocative Sibillini Mountains National Park.

We are a CEA center (Environmental Education Centre), aimed primarily at schools.

Located among the peaks that rise up to 2,476 meters above sea level, the Sibillini Mountains represent a unique habitat, home to the wolf, the eagle and, in recent times, witnesses of the return of the bear and the chamois.

The green heart of Italy, this region offers an unparalleled experience, combining ancient history with breathtaking landscapes. From the suggestive Piani di Castelluccio to the local food and wine, with the renowned black truffle and the delicacies of the pork butchery, up to outdoor activities such as trekking and rafting, here every corner is a discovery.

As an Environmental Education Center, we are part of the InFea Marche Region Network, and we are committed to offering unique educational programs, based on direct experience with the natural environment.

Our approach combines outdoor sport with ecological, historical and cultural insights, ensuring total student involvement.

Safety is our priority: our excursions are led by expert naturalists, hiking and mountain guides, ensuring an unforgettable educational experience in total safety.

Our programs are flexible and customizable, adaptable to the specific teaching needs of each class. We organize daily excursions or multi-day school camps, as well as reception projects for first classes of all levels.

Discover with us the unique charm of environmental education in the Sibillini Mountains National Park

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